Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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as a Baron in Claus 9 E. 3 m. 28 dorsoVe Sr. W. Dugd. late booke of the summons of the Peers from 49 H. 3 to this tyme of 1o Jac. 2. a writte dated 1. Aprilis som[m]ons was directed to him by the name of Hugo de Courtenay Comes Devon twice that yeare, being the last Earle in order being out that yeare restored to his right to that title as before appeareth, but not to his p[re]cedence of place as by the som[m]ons appeareth Claus. 10 E. 3 m. 1 by writt dated 14 Jan. he is twice summoned to Parliament as fowerth Earle in order between Richard, Earle of Arundell, & Humfry de Bohun Earle of Hereford, being it seemes then restored to his due place. Which place he enioyed in Claus. 11 E. 3 pt. 2 m. 11 by a writ of som[m]ons dated 20 Decembris & soe is he sum[m]oned till 14 E. 3 to euery Parliament enioying the fowerth or fifth place allwayes amongst the Earles.