Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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of the sayed Hughes death were seazed by Edward the third in to his hands. His wiues coate was 2B a bene A. cotised inter 6 lions rampant or Mr. Vincent citeth the Record found after the death of Hugh the grandchild of this Hugh the Earle but his collection is not well warranted but it is soe cleere of itselfe, it needes no comment Eschet. 51 E. 3 n. 16 Juratores dicunt quod Hugo de Courtenay nup Comes Devon dedit manneriu. de Suttone Courtnay in Com. Berks & Wettesdon in Com. Bucks Matilde filie Thome de Holland militis & heredibus, quos Hugo filius Hugonis filii pr[e]dicti. Comitis de corpore ipsius Matilde p[ro]creanit. & c. & dicunt etiam quod Hugo filius Hugonis filii pr[e]dicti. Comitis obiit sine he[re]de. de Corpore ipsius Matilde p[ro]creato. He further obserueth that Phillip Courtnay of Powderham, & Peter also were knighted, as doeth appeare in an intayle of his man[n]ors of Morton, Milton Damarle, in the County