Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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& in Claus 1 R.2 m. 21. 35 & 38 writts were sent to diuers Sheriffes de assignatione dotis Margarete uxoris Hugonis Courtney Comitis Devon p. Edwardum consanguinium (that is grandchild which o[u]r lawe calleth cousin) et heredem dci. Hugonis, & another writt to the same purpose Pat. pt. 1 R. 2 m. 10 de assensu Edwardi consanguinei dicti Hugonis & Johannis Lattimer quibus Rex Commisit custodiam Castroru maneriorum & c. pr[e]d[ic]ti. Hugonis which great dower shee enioyed fifteene yeares & in A[n]no D[o]m[in]i 1390 making her last will shee dyed in Esch. 15 R. 2 pt. 1 no. 16 as appeareth by an office then taken after her decease expressing all the lands to a very great number where of shee dyed seised. P[ar]t of which I will transcribe to you because it plainely sheweth who were her children & cleereth some