Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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fille Cobham Item a ma fille Luttrell (which p[ro]ueth her daughter to be married to Luttrell of Dunsterre as Mills hath it & not to Mohun as Brooke mistaketh it) Item a ma fille d’Anganie (which approueth Mr Vyncents correction before cited)Dugd. bar. 1. 467. Sups 106. a. vu lieure appele Arthur de Britaigne. Item a mon fitz Counte de Deueneshire (calling him Fitz where as he was her grandchild) & a ma fille la Countesse sa fe[m]me: Item a mon fits Phelipp de Courtenay: Item a ma file Dame Anne Courtenaye. Item a Piers (that is Peter) mon fits, un basin d’argent oue le armes de Hereford & de Courtenay de parties. Item a Monsieur Hugh Luttrell (which was her sonne in lawe) Item a Richard Courtney a pres que il vient alage & c (which Richard was the sonne of Phillippe, & after Byshopp of Norwich). Item a Hugh fitz