Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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de Counte de Devenesheire mon filiole (great grand child). Item a Margarette Drayton ma filliole (where by it seemeth one of her daughters was married to Drayton). Item a Auneys Chambernoun et face son treshable. Fitz Lerchcheusq. De Canturbury & Mons. John Cobham surveyors decest mon testament & mes executors mes trecheres fits Phelip de Courtenay Piers de Courtenay Robert Mylford Otes. Chambernoun & anters whereby appeareth, that Phillip de Courtney was greatly possessed of her affection, in which respect, allso it may be, his sonne John hauing married a Chambernoun, Otes Chambernoun was one of her executors.

Of her seuerall sonnes which dyed without issue, in this place as most pp. I will relate some things that are most specially obseruable. Not omitting that the Liedger booke of Newenham before cited, that Hugo heres pr[e]d[i]cti. Hugonis suscepit in uxorem Elizabetham filiam Comitis Oxon that this Hugh & Margarett had issue Thomas, Edward, John qui obiit sine ple. William & filias Margaretam quod nupta fuit Johi de Cobham, Elizabetham quod nupta [missing from bottom of page].Ve in stemate. Vere Dugd. bar. 1. 188 ibm. 635 this is not warranted.