Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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Of William de Courtenay,Ve. fo. Sequ. In fin. Somner Antiqu. Canterb. 266 Sayth that this Archb[isho]p according to Godwin lyes buryed on the south shrine of Thomas B[eckett]. att the feet of the black prince in a goodly Tombe of black alabaster. Weaver saith it was the Custome of old to haue more Tombes then one. He giues this as an instance that the Archb[isho]p hath one Monument in that place another att Maidestone. By his will he appointed his buryall in the Cathedrall att Exon. where he had been a Prebendary & where he requested the B[isho]p of that place to bury him. After that lying on his death bed & hauing changed his mind & holding his body (as they declared) unworthy of buryall in his metropolitical or any other Cathedral he wills it to be buryed in the churchyard of the Collegiate Church att Maydston in loco disignato Johi Boteler armigero sueo so are the words. But in the booke of Christchurch Canterb. I find that King Ric. 2 hapning to be att Canterb. w[he]n he was to be buryed overruled the matter & co[m]manded his body to be there interred. Ve accord[in]g to this Chron. W. Thorne script. Decem Col. 2197.8 Howes chron. 310 Maystir Willyam Curtenai that was Bisshop of Herford was than made Bishopp of London 4 non. Maii 51 Ed. 3 Old Chron. England c. 2. sonne of Hugh Earle of Devon & Margaret his wife the inst. booke of the byshoppricke of Rochester,Ve Linwood videlt. 1679 in Calce. Libri. Constit: fo. 60 p. Urban 6: p. festi Scae. An[n]ae. dicut Gul. Courtney Archiepo. Cant. fo. 61 Constit: publ. p. eundm. Gulielmi. Courtney nobiliem Antist. Canticar. a[n]no. 1391. 15 Ric. 2 – contra pr[e]styleros stipendiarios. Ve Pryn aiad. V. 4 Inst. 237. In an[n]is 1390, 1391 citaute illo Spilm. Concil. amongst the Catalogue of the Archbyshops of Canterbury thus a[nn]o 1381 Willielmus Courteney frater Comitis Devon legum doctor Canonicus Eboracem fit Episcopus Hereford inde Episcopus LondoniensisStow Survey Lond. fo. 532 edit. 1636. post Archiepiscopus Cantiurensis sedit ibidem annis quindecim.Ve. seld. tit. Honr. fo. 118 The golden Eagle full of pr[ecious?] oyle deliuered to him by Richard which was p[re]served from the tyme of H.2 & by tradition s[ai]d to be first given by the virgin to the Archb[isho]p of Canterb[ury]. Of his lyfe & the actions he did in his seuerall Byshopprickes,Lamb P[er]amb. Kent 93 Script. 10 fo. 1285, 6 in Chronologia as a[n]no 1380 ad an[no]. 1395. Ve Hollinshead fo. mitii. 1076 that this William Courtney was for a while protector of the King & Realme in the minority of Ric. 2. Ve ieo collect. Thirine. Ve. Holinshead fo. 447 for touching R. 2 great displeasure taken to the Archb[isho]p so as he would for a time neither heare the Lord Chancellor nor others who mediated for his excuse, but at length he was reconciled. they are extant in Byshop Godwins booke of the liues of the English BishoppsVe Holinshead fo. 48 how he entred into conferderacy w[it]h the Earl of Arundell & others at Arundell Castle. & in Mathew Parker Archbyshopp of Canturbury his liues of the Archbyshopps, to which, as imp[er]tinent to the p[re]sent purpose Ve Holinshead fo. 48 for this Archb[ishop]s visitation at Lincolne & his p[ro]ceedings against the followers of Wicliff Ve. ib. 485 of the bull he obtained from the pope to levy 4d per pound of all Eccl[esiasti]call livings. By his will he bequeathed 1000 markes towards the amendm[en]t of the body of the church the walls & the cloysters of the Cathedrall att Canterbury. Lamb. P[er]amb. Kent 306. He repaired the church att Mepham & built 4 houses for the poor there. Lamb ib. 491. Ve. Kilburn Survey Kent, Lamb. P[er]amb. Kent 217 Boniface Archb[isho]p uncle to Q. Eleanor, wife of H.3 built here a hospitall w[hi]ch hauing not stood 140 yeares W. Courtenay a successor in that see & a nobleman as the other was pulled it down & erecting a new after his own pleasure gained thereby the name of a founder & called it a Colledge of secular Preists. He did also (as seems) something considerable as to the bridge. I referre the relation of them, onely thus I finde of Record that the King graunted to him lycence to founde a Colledge at Maidestone in Kent in Pat. 19 R.2 pt. 1 Mon. Angl. vol. 3, Pt. 2, 132, that he was a man skant & zealous in his place & a seuere