Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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Thomas the eldest sonne Henry Courtenay his second sonne, who at Salisbury in 8 E.4 was beheaded, leauing no issue to succeede him:

John Courtenay his third sonne who was called Earle of Deuonshire after his brothers death, but he dyed without issue, being slayne at Tewkesbury in 10 Ed. 4: Joane his eldest daughter married to Roger Clifford EsquierDugd. Bar. 1. 334, 335. In stemate. Clifford who sayth he was a k[nigh]t. Ve. ibm. 342 – one of the sisters & coheires of --- Courtney of --- in Com. Deuon. to whome shee brought a sonne called Charles: afterward shee was wife to Sir William Knyuet Knight: & Elizabeth the second daughter married to Hugh Conwey & dyed without any issue (three other daughters Anne, Matilda, Eleanor, all dying without issue[)]. This Thomas the father, being in the warres in Yorkeshire, betweene the villages of Touton & Saxton, uppon Palme Sunday a[nn]o 1460Note Howes Chron. 415 mentions him as among the slaine in battle but fo. 416, that his head was cutt of & w[i]th others sett up in the place of that of King E. 4 of his friends w[hi]ch were then taken down. Ve Holinshed fo. 641 of his death 1458, in the Abby of Abindon – poyson. he was taken prisoner & beheaded at Yorke. After whose death Thomas Courtenay his eldest sonne was, though