Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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but for a litle while, Earle of Deuon after his father,Anno 1453 a great fight happened on Clist heath between Tho. Courtenay Earle of Devon & the lord William Bonvil Baron of Shut where many p[er]sons were greiveously wounded & much hurt done. The occasion whereof was about a dog but great displeasure thereby came to the Citty where p[re]sently after the ffight the Lord Bonvil shelter’d himselfe w[hi]ch the Earle tooke amisse thinking it had been done by the Citty in some displeasure to him. Isaac Antiq. Exon 82, but in Dugd. Bar. 2 vol. 4. 236 where mention is made of this skirmish it seemes to have beene on another quarrell then in w[hi]ch the kingdom was then engaged between the two houses of York & Lancaster in w[hi]ch it is sayd that the Lord B. prevailed. But the quarrell ended not so but the Lord Bonvil falling shortly after into the hands or power of the Earl of Devon & others of the Lancaster party lost his head. in number the fourteenth Earle thereof, for Earle Thomas the father sayeth Mr Vincent, dyed the third of Aprill a[nn]o 1 E. 4 1461 & Earle Thomas his sonne not onely suruiuing, but also succeeding in the Earledome, was attainted by Parliament at Westminster 4 Nouembris following a[nno] 1 E. 4 the Esch. 6 E. 4 no. 48Dugd. bar. 1. 641. record p[re]serues the memorie hereof after this manner juratores dicunt sup sacrum suu. quod Thomas Courteney nup Comes Deuon, de manerio & Burgo de Tiuerton fuit seisitus in dominico suo & c. qui quidam Thomas Comes, habuit exitum Thoma. nup ultimum Comitem Deuon & obiit 3o de Aprilis a[nn]o 1 E. 4 et idem Thomas nup ultimus Comes Deuon, de quibusdam proditionibus erga dictum dominum Regem p[er] eundem Thomam p[er]petratis. in Parliamento dicto domini Regis Apud wesminster 4to die