Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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Nouembris a[nn]o 1 E. 4 tento et edito inter alios attuictus fuit authoritate euisdem Parliamenti.This Thomas the sonne, sayth Mills, while he was in the battaile of Touton, by fortune of Warre chaunced to be taken, & there had his hed smitten off, for taking p[ar]t with kinge Henry the sixt against Kinge Edward the fowerth. Nor did he suffer this punishment undeseruedly, but as a iust reward for his inconstancy,Ve Lamb Pamb. Kent 464 ib. 477. See the old History of Engl. Cap. 256 how he came out of Wales together with the Lord Cobha[m] in ayde of the Duke of York. Milles de Nobilit. Polit: fol. 149 m[ar]gine Ed. 4 miles factus p. Comitem Devonie. Ve & Nota. because he had first followed Kinge Edward the fowerth, & wholy depended uppon his fortunes, which was the cause that after the death of Henry (brother to this Thomas) the dignitie of the Earledome of Deuenshire, was by Kinge Edward bestowed uppon Humfrey StaffordDugd. Bar. 1. 641. Ve. more att large ibm. fo. 173 tit. Stafford. in the lyfe time of John Courtney, which John Courtenay (the sonne of Thomas became gracious with King Edward the fowerth & for some unkindenesse in the ende fell away from him & was slayne at TewkesburyCambd. Brit. 152. Titulu. Com. Deuon inordicus tenuit. in the