Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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eight yeare of the sayed kinges Raigne, 7 december; he gaue to this Humfrey Stafford all the honors mannors castles & c. which were Thomas Courtenayes (the last) Earles of DevonDugd. bar. 1. 173. p. the pat. 9 E.4 pt. 1 m. 13 origin 9 E.4 Rott. 22 the yeare following uppon the 17 daye of May, he created him Earle of Deuon a[nn]o 1469. Neuerthelesse erre long he grewe ungratefull to the kinge his aduancer in reuolting from him at the battaile of Banbury; for which cowardise (he being appr[e]hended) was without (Cambden in aumon. 208) p[ro]cesse executed at Bridgewater Inq. Capt 2 Nou. 9 E.4 no. 48 17 Augusti a[nn]o 1469 carrying with him this disgracefull title; An Earle of three months standing & no more. Leauing no issue to succeede him whereunto agreeth Mr. Camd. Britt. P. 208 a.b. Cambden that Thomas Earle of DeuonshireCambd. Britt. 152. begatt three sonnes namely