Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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of his marriage with one of the Lancastrian familie, stoode resolute for Kinge Henry the sixt against the howse of Yorke, whereby whilst the howse of Lancaster flourished he obtained many fauors of Kinge Henry the Sixt. After he had beene in Rott. Pliati. 1 H.6 no 49 accused of high treasonQu. Rot. Parl (Ve. infra 136a) 31 H. 6 no. 48. Cott. Abr. 653. It is s[ai]d there that he was accused & acquitted before Humphrey Duke of Buckingham steward of England for the tyme being. And for this the Duke of York thought the honesty of the sa[i]d Earle to be touched: Whereupon the sayd Earle p[ro]testing his loyalty referred further tryall as a k[nigh]t should doe (which may be intended by combate) upon w[hi]ch declaration the lords acquitted him as a loyall subject. Sir Edward Coke in his chapter of the High Steward of England 4 Inst. fo. 59 cites Rot. Parl. 37 H. 6 no. 49 that Thomas Courtney Earle of Deuon was arraigned of high treason before Humfrey Duke of Glocester being vice steward of England & acquitted but this duke of Gloc. dyed in 25 H. 6 & no Parliam[en]t as I can find was held in 37 H. 6 w[hi]ch ’tis to be wondred that Pryn has not obserued who has made much adoe upon many less miall. mistakes in the Lord Cokes 4 Instit. Ve Co. 4 Inst. 23 cap. Parlt. of this arraignem[en]t & acquitall of the Earle 31 H. 6. & acquitted by his Peeres, the kinge p[ar]doned his releife due from him uppon the death of his father to the Kinge