Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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late Earle of Deuonshire & others that tooke armes against Richard duke of Yorke & 30 decembris laste past murdred at Wakefield in Yorkeshire the sayed right noble Prince Duke of Yorke & in March after on Palme Sunday 29 Martii m. 1 E. 4 at Touton field traiterously purposed to haue deposed the kinge & to haue destroyed him. And therefore itt is declared that Henry late called Kinge Henry the sixt be attainted of high treason, & that Thomas late Earle of Deuonshire & others be disabled to claime, holde, inherite, or enioye, any name of dignitie, estate, or preheminence, within the kings domminions & that their heires be disabled to claime or haue by them any such name estate or preheminence & that all their lands they had in possession or use