Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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Edward Courtenay was aduanced to the Earledome of Deuonshire after this familie, had for a longe time lyen in some sorte obscured by Kinge Henry the seuenth as being the next heire male unto the honors of his p[ro]genitors saith in Brit. in ean: p. 208.b. C.Cambd. Britt. 152. Mr Cambden which Edward Courtenay of Haccombe sayeth Catol. p. 161 Brooke was sonne of Sir Hugh CourtenayThis Sir Hugh Courtenay was (as Isake ib.) returned K[nigh]t of the shyre for Cornwall in the 25th & 28th yeares of H. 6. Pryn Brin. Parlam. redis 22o. of Bokennoke knight grandchild to Edward Courtenay the eleuenth Earle of Deuon knight of the most noble order of the garter saieth Catol. p. 486 & 95 Mills, cozin by bloude & heire to Thomas & John, Earles of Deuonshire, who deceased without issue. That is to saye Edward the sonne of Hugh Courtenay of Haccombe sonne to Hugh brother of Edward Earle of Deuonshire father to Hugh the last of that name