Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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Earle of Deuon of whome came Thomas the Earle, father of the saied Thomas & John (the Earles last deceasing).In the tyme of King Richard the third Sir Edward Courtenay (as he is then called) & Peter his brother B[isho]p of Exeter raysed an army in Deuon & Cornwall in favour of the then Earle of Richm[ond] afterwards Hen. 7 Sir Tho. Moores Ric. 3. 297. And the D. of Buckingh[a]m designed from the p[ar]ts of Wales to Crosse the Severn & joine them but he being prevented by a sudden inunda[ti]on was disappointed and the B[isho]p & his brother who was afterwards Earle of Devonshyre fled into Brittainy w[i]th diuers noblemen & Gent: of quality ib. 331. Ve infra. 164 as touching this B[isho]p. So much were the Western people addicted to the name as they readily followed Sr. Edward Courtenay & his bro[ther] P. B[isho]p of Exeter w[ha]t tyme they assisted the duke of B. in his revolt from R. 3 Carew Surv. Corn. 97. b Continuar Hist. Croiland 568. 574 venerabitis pater Petri epus. Exon. Flos militiae priae. suae. This B[isho]p was after translated to Winchester by H. 7. Isaac Antiq. Exon ad. an[no] 1486 pag. 94 ib. ad an[no] 1485 he finished the North Tower of his church & gave the great Clock Bell bearing his name Peter. Kinge Henry the seuenth being allied to him after the death of Humfrey Stafford, restored him in blood, & unto all the honors of Deuonshires Earledome & the Lordship of Okehampton, as free & liberall gyfts a[nn]o d[o]m[in]i 1495 [1485?] in the first yeare of the sayed kinges Raigne & the 28 daye of October, being Simon & Judes Daye.He was also made K[nigh]t of the garter by H. 7 Favim Lib. 5. 73. He married Margarett, sayeth Mills,Dugd. bar. 1. 635. Elizabeth sayeth Brooke, daughter to Sir Phillip Courtenay of Molland sister & onely heire saieth Mills to Sir William Courtenay knight (which error shall be elsewhere corrected) & by her had issue William Courtenay Earle of Deuonshire. This Edward had fower sisters, whose issue came