Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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Kinge Henry the seuenth hauing true intelligence, as well of all such as directly knewe any thinge in the matter as those that were free thereof.Holinshead fo. 790. Rather of suspition then of any matter proued: because so neere of kin to the conspiratour. Among the guiltie was this William,Ve Polydore Virg. Pag. Milii 773,4. a man of great honor & much esteeme but suspition, more then offence,Dugd. Bar. 1. 642 out of Polydor Virgil. Ve Hewes Chron. 484. There was apprehended William Lord Courtenay not men[ti]oning for w[ha]t an[n]o 1502. deliuered him ouer to saffe keeping. Neuer the lesse some fewe years after by kinge Henry the eight he was dismissed out of trouble & gained unto himself great honor.1o H. 8 the Lady Kath. Countess Deuon was Godmother to Kinge H. 8 son named Henry. Holinsh[ed] Chron. 807. The Earle was one of the knights who ayded the King in his justs. The king surnamed Coeur Loial the Earle Bon Voloire ibm. Ve. Plus. 809 w[hi]ch shewes how neer & familiar he was to the king at that tyme. This man continually followed the warres & other com[m]endable studies, till at last being easily fallen into a desease called a plurisie he dyed att Greenwich, a[nn]o 1511, the third of Henry the eight, & buried in the blacke friers in London, leauing but one onely sonne behinde him.Edovard Devoniae cum Gulielmo filio adolescente animi partier urtqs. corporis viribus florente. Polid. Virg. Pag. initii 741. duce Edro. Corteneio Comite Devoniae cum Gul: filio adolecente optimo fortissimo ib. 766. Vic sum[m]a nobilitate existimatione virtute qui iatobut m[at]rimonio Cathur: Edovardi R[egi]s filia. Ib. de eodm. Willo. 773. In the continuation of Hardings Chronicle f. 141 men[ti]on is made of this person & of his death & that he sickened of a disease called plureses & dyed therew[i]th. W[hi]ch because it was strange & unknown to the physicians, it was incureable. Of the former ioyning in the conspiracie with Edmund