Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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de la Pole thus Histor. Engl. p. 991 SpeedeVe Bacon H. 7. 213. William Courtney Earle of Deuonshire (being most noblie descended) & hauing to his wife the Lady Katharine one of the daughters of Kinge Edward the fowerth & sister to the Queene Elizabeth wife to Kinge Henry the seuenth was with others attached & committed to custodie, who though inosent (for it is the miserie of such great men, that their owne in[n]ocencie cannot alwayes p[ro]cure their own safties, but their birthright many times, & often other mens designations without their least priuitie, is enough to hazard them, yea it is in the power of any conspirator by bare nomination to doe as much, soe that it concernes them to haue an eye not to their owne onely, but to the behauoir also of their