Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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whole alliances & dependencies) this Earle (I saye) though innocent remained prisoner during the kings lyfe, & some years of his sonnes raigne who sett him at libertie which appeareth to be true by that cautelous clause in his father Edwards will before cited. Katharine Countesse of Devon after the death of her sayed husband William Earle of Deuonshire 24 Decembr[is] in 4 H. 8 petitioned the kinge in Parliament by the name of y[ou]r humble aunte & subiecte Katharine Countesse of Deuon one of the daughters of kinge Edward the fowerth late kinge of England y[ou]r grandfather desiring that the artickles & couenants in an indenture dated 12 Aprilis the second yeare of his raigne, between the kings ma[jes]tie on the one partie & William Courtney