Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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Henry Courtenay,[top line damaged] Holinshed fo. 852 in 11 H. 8 the young Earle of Deuonshyre was one of the witnesses [?] with K. H. 8 att the palace of Newhall in Essex where the French embassador was treated. Ibm. fo. 869 on Thursday June 15 12 H. 8 at the Enterview between Guisnes & Aides of King H. 8 & the Ffrench king the Earle of Deuon was one that at the Justs there charged in person ag[ains]t the Ffrench King and they came so hard together that both their speares broke & so maintained their courses not. Ibm. fo. 862 on twelfe day the King & the Earle of Deuonshyre with four Aydes answered at the Tourneie att Com. & ib. 873 the like, on the occasion of the Emperors being in England 14 H. 8. onely sonne & heire of William Courtenay, by Katharine his wife, daughter to Kinge Edward the fowerth, was after his father eighteenth Earle of Deuon & Lord of Ochampton24 H. 8 an[n]o 1533 this Earle of Devon was sent w[it]h B[isho]p of Exon to Dover to receiue the King of Denmark. Isaac Antiq. Exeter. 113. & Mills Catol. p. 96 knight of the most noble order of the Garter. By kinge Henry the eight his cosine germaine, he was created Marquesse of Exeter,Holinshead fo. 893. 13 Junii Howes Chron. 526. ib. on Shrove Tuesday following there were Justs at Greenwich by the K & 11, on one p[ar]t. the Marq[ues]s & 11, in the other p[ar]t. ib. 894 ste. on Shrove Tuesday following. in the kings howse at Bridewell, 16 Junii 1525 in the seuenteeth yeare of Kinge Henry the eight & married to his first wife Elizabeth daughter & heire to Sir John Graye vicount LisleVe Dugd. Bar. 1. 723 and to Muriel his wife daughter of Tho. D. of Norfolk. by whom he had no issue: After he married Gertrude, daughter of William Blount, Baron Mountioy, knight of the noble order of the garter (begotten of Elizabeth one of the daughters & heires of Sir William Say, knight,[)]Dugd. Bar. 1. 521 no mention of this daughter. whome he begatt of his