Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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first wife & shee onely heire also to her mothers inheritance as appeareth in one of o[u]r lawe annales Trin. 15 Eliz. Dyer 305 & plto. 38 by whome he had issue Henry Courtenay the first begotten sonne that dyed without issue, Edward Courtenay the last Earle of Deuonshyre of this p[ro]genie. This Henry Marquesse of Exeter Henry Poole Lord Mountague & Sir Nicholas Carew of Bedington in the County of SurryVe. 1 Cro. 124. Ve Burnett 359. The matter he was Master of the horse & K[nigh]t of the Garter. were attainted of high treason against the kinge & being publickely tryed were iustly (sayeth Mills)Holinshead fo. 1129 to the great dolour of many [?] subjects of this Realme who for his sundry vertues bore him great favour & good will. Burnett Hist. 264. condemned & beheaded 5 Januar. 1538 in anno 30 H. 8 at the tower hill for being priuie with Cardinall Poole (brother to the Lord Mountague) to p[ro]cure forraigne power (in the popes ayde) to inuade the realme.Upon a very solemn occasion the Judges of England were consulted. One Mr. Pyne of Somersettshyre had delevered very Evill & contemptuous words concerning the Kings person; But the doubt was whither the same amounted to treason or not and upon that occasion the p[re]cedents of that nature were searched & produced and among others those vizt. Surrey an[n]o 36 H. 8 Henricus marchio exon. proditorie dicebat & c. et q[uo]d N. Carew miles malitis et pditorie. murmuravit et indignatus fuit & dicebat hec verba Anglicana I marvell greatly that this Enditem[en]t ag[ains]t the Lord Marquess was so secretly handled and to w[ha]t purpose the like was neuer seen. 1 Cro. 124. Soone after Gertrude, his wife with others were likewise attainted for the same treason a[nn]o 1538Burnett hist. 360 ib. 264 Ve stat. in 31 H. 8 but shee was not executed, but dyed & was buried in a faire tombe in