Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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Wimborne Minster in a[nn]o 1557.Camb. Britt. 158. This Henry bore Ffrance & England a bordure escoirtelle of the same quartering Courtenay o. 3 torteauxes C. the 4 Riuers or a lion rampant azur. His first wife Elizabeth bare barry of 6 A & b. 3 torteauxes in cheife & a labell C. His second wife Gertrude bare barry undy of 6 O & sa. Thus farre Catol p. 490. 491 Mills & Catol. p. 164 Brooke. Speede more at large sheweth the treason in his p. 1044. 1045 Historie Kinge Henry the eight running into obloquie of many forraigne princes for dissoluing the monasteries, but most especially of the pope, who with Cardinall Poole instigated diuers princes of Christendome to inuade England:Ve in Dugd. Bar. 1. 642 the account of this matter out of the Lord Herberts Hist. H. 8. Ve. Fox Martyrol. Burnett 358. Sanders. yea & home borne subiects disliking the course for papisticall subuersion, by secret working sought to depriue Kinge Henry & to raise up Reynold Poole unto the Regall dignitie,Ve in Cro. 124 Inditem[en]t. Qre. of the Tryall its selfe w[hi]ch I am informed is extant in the University Library att Oxford. as by their inditements appeareth. The p[er]sons