Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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He was one of the lords & others that subscribed to the Articles of Accusation ag[ains]t Cardinall Wolsey.4 Inst. 95. H. Exon.

The Marquess of Exeter was one of the 26 peers that sate on the Tryall of Q. Anne Bullen.Burnett. 363.

This Marques bore the Tapor of virgin wax att the solemnity of the [Christ]ening of Q. Elizabeth.Fox Martyrol. Vol. 2 fo. 276 See there the solemn forme of the whole procession. The Marchioness was Godmother att the Confirmation im[m]ediately after the [Christ]ening & gaue the child three standing bowles gilt & grauen with a Cover.

Of the grants of seu[er]all estates made to him in 14. 17 & 22 H. 8 see Dugd. Bar. 1. 642.

Upon the Attainder of the MarquessDodderidge Survey 89. 8. Rep. Princes ci. 3o. King H. 8 did annex to the Dutchy of Cornwall the mannors of West Anthony, Portlow, Northhill, Portpigham, Landreur, Trelowia, Treganor, Trelagan, Crosshele, Trevervin Courtney, Landulph Leigh Durant & Tinden in the County of Cornwall & all his lands in the sayd places w[hi]ch came to the sayd king by the Attainder of treason of Henry Courteney Marquess of Exeter. Ve ye Act of Parl. & qur of w[ha]t is sayd by Mr. Carew of the Regrant to Earl Edw.Carew Survey Cornw. 80, 81 & note w[ha]t opi[n]on was then held of the dutchy of Cornwall.

See touching a devise made by the Marchioness and the title of the Mannor of Ffremington 2 Leonard. 41. 3 Leon. 165. Owen. 88.

See also 4 Leon[ar]d 60 that Barker made himself h[ei]re to the Lady Marchioness of Exon who deuised all her lands to Blount & c.The Marq[ui]s was arraigned Nov. 1538. Executed 9 Jan. following. Holinshead fo. 946.

13 H. 8 he was one of the Peers that sate on the great Duke of Buckingham who was attainted & executed.Howes Chron. 513. Ve libr. 13 H. 8 pl. 1. Holinshead fo. 865. Ve there the whole p[ro]ceedings ag[ains]t the duke of B.

11 & 12 H. 8 Upon the interveue between Henry & the Ffrench KingHowes Chron. 509. & the solemne Justs there, he had the Com[m]and of one of those Noble Bands ordain’d for the attendance on that service, & under him were in that band the Lords Herbert, Howard, Grey & c.

17 H. 8 1526 on Shrove Tuesday in the Justs att Greenwich the king & 11 other on the one p[ar]t & the Marquess & 11 other on the contrary p[ar]t.Howes Chron. 526.

24 H. 8 he was w[it]h the king at the interview between H 8. the Kings of Ffrance & Navarre.Howes Chron. 560.

On the com[m]and of the Duke of Somersett 1o. Ed. 6 he had a gr[an]t of 40li p[er] an[num] out of the Mannors of Crokehern Stogursey & Wyke Fitzpain late come to the Crowne by [the attainder of the Marquis of Exon].Milles de Nobil. polit. & c. fo. 85 in ips. diplomato.