Peter Balle's History of the Courtenays

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Edward Courtenay sonne & heire to Henry Marquesse of Exeter, who at the time of his fathers death was safely kept under close custodie,Howes Chron. 613 Aug. 4 kissed & disch[arged] by the Q. & as he saith next day made Marq[ui]s of Exeter. Burnett 2. 240 for his enlargem[en]t. Ibm. 253 for his restitution by Parl[iamen]t. being longe prisoner in the tower of LondonIn the statute of 32 H. 8 c. 49 of General pardon Edward Courtenay sonne to the then late Marq[ui]s of Exeter is excepted by name. I note also that in the same act are excepted diuers heresyes & heronious op[in]ions, amongst w[hi]ch this is reckoned for one that eu[er]y manner of death is so certainly p[re]sent, appointed & determined & eu[er]y mark [?] of God that nether case proued by his word can alter it ne any man by his own wilfulness p[re]vent or change it. W[hi]ch I did take notice of as p[ar]ticular. He was also excepted in the g[en]erall p[ar]don by p[ro]clama[ti]on 1o. Ed. 6. Howes Chron. 594. & by Queene Mary was restored to his bloude & hereditarie honor3 Sept. 1553 made Earle of Devon. 616. Howes. Rott. Pl. 1 Marie by acte of Parliament which was left unto him by his father which Earledome & the inuestiture thereof he receiued of her at the Court of Richmond the third daye of September 1553 in the first yeare of her Raigne.The memoriall of this ceremony I haue & it was as here is sayd on Sunday September 3. 1 Mar. as also the patent together w[it]h it. He trauayling afterward, in to Italy, at Padua three yeares after, he dyed (not without hauing some poyson giuen him as was suspected)Monday [Octo]bris 23 1553 att the request of the great Master he & the Earle of Deuon w[it]h other lords were p[er]mitted to be present att the debates or disputa[ti]ons there proposed & expected to haue been in the Convocation of the Clergy. Fox Martyrol. vol. 3 16.b. the fowerth or fowerteenth sayeth Mills of October 1556 which was the fowerth yeare of Queene Maries Raigne & honorabely was he buried at Padua & he dyed without issue & he was the last Earle of that name & familie of Courtenayes, & ended the glorie of that race, & bare his fathers coate soe Catol. p. 493 Mills & Catol.