Medieval family tree

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Obiit tandem iste Hugo primus apud Coletonibe iio kalendas marcii anno domini millesimo ccmo nonagesimo primo et regno regis Edwardi primi xix et apud Cowyk prope Exoniam sepelitur. Post cuius obitum domina Elianora relicta eius xxxta vii annis superstes donum suam et familiam apud Coletonibe regebat moritur denique apud London de Cantuar’ rediens vito kalendas octobris anno domini millesimo cccmo xxviii et regni regis Edwardi tercii iio et apud Cowyk prope maritum suum humata exstat.

Domino Hugo de Courtenay qui in Elianora uxore sua genuit. Lord Hugh de Courtenay who took Eleanor as his wife bore

Philippum dominum de Morton, et cetera. Philip, Lord of Morton, etc.

Hugonem iim comitem Devon ex quo in domina Agnete comitissa uxore sua genuit Hugh II, earl of Devon, who with Lady Agnes, countess, his wife bore

Isabellam de Seynt Johan Avelynam Gyffarem Egelynam de Scalos et Margaretam de Moles. Isabelle de St John, Aveline Giffard, Egeline [Eleanor] de Scales; Margaret de Moels

Iste enim Hugo iius xviii libras vi solidos viii denarios annui census sterlingorum ad dictum huiusmodi comite hereditarie pertinentes singulis annis de regiis perquistis in comitatu Devonie percepturos quos antea minime habebat perquisiuit. This Hugh II [paid] an annual rate of £18, 6s and 8d sterling for this earldom from the crown, which previously had been less.

Iste Hugo iius patri suo in hereditatem successit et accepit sibi coniugem dominam Agnetem sororem sui domini Ioannis de Seynt Johan anno etatis sue xvii ipsem autem sorores suas mutuo sibi nubebant. Genuitque dictus domino Hugo iius in prefata domina Agnete quatuor filios et duas filias quorum nomina patent in lineis anno itaque domini millesimo cccmo xxxvto et regni regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum Anglie ixo. Dominus dictus Hugo iius eius antecessores suos de Courtenayes in seculari dominio excellens iure hereditario et successione legitima comitatum Devonie optinuit. Ac comes Devon’ sicut in re ita et in nomine dici esse promeruit eo quod de sanguine proximus filius videlicet et heres Hugonis primi filii Iohannis de Courtenay qui filius in heres dictus Marie filia et heredis dicti Willelmi de Redeverus alter Vernona comitis Devonie fuit. This Hugh II succeeded his father and took as his wife Lady Agnes sister of Lord John de St John at the age of 17; his sisters were also married. And the said Hugh II with the aforementioned Lady Agnes bore four sons and two daughters whose names are given in the lines [shown here]. In the year of Our Lord 1335 and in the 9th year of the reign of King Edward the third after the Conquest of England the said lord Hugh II by hereditary right and legitimate succession secured the earldom of Devon. And the earl of Devon from the heir of Hugh the first son of John de Courtenay who was son and heir of Mary, daughter and heir of the said William de Redvers otherwise known as Vernon, who was earl of Devon.