Will of Katherine Courtenay

Folio d_1508 (1 of 1)

To all men to whom the present wrytyng indentyd shall come the right nobille prynces Katherine comites of Deuonshere daughter suster and aunte of kyngs and late wife unto the right honorabill lord William Courtenay late erle off Deuonshere sednythe gretyng in our lord god everlastyng. That where the right reuerent ffather in God Rychard Byschoppe of Wynchester Hugh Byschoppe of Exceter Lewys Pollard knyght oon of the Kynges justices of hys comen plase John Speke knyght John Cayleway and William Meribod esquyers before this tyme recouerd at Westm in the Comitie of Midd before the justices of oure soueraign lord kynge Harry the eight of his comen benche ayens us the seid comites the maners of Shevyok Westamiton Portloo Treverbyn Courteney and also foure score mesuages four hundred acres of pasture too thousant acres of arabyll lond oon hundred acres of medowe too thousand acres of furse and hethe syx mylles eight pounds of rent with thappurenaunces in Shevyok Westamitun Protloo Treverbyn Courtenay aforesaid wythn the comite of Cornewall also the maners of Sampford Courtenay Challegh Whiteford Kenne Musbury Farwey Whitwell Whympell Calliford Norton Dawney Cornewoode Dowlton and also five hundred myses nyen milles fyue thousant acres of lond a thousand acres of medow thre thousand acres of pasture too thousand acres of woode five thousand acres of ffurse and hethe and fortie pounds of rent & thappurtenaunces in Sampford Courteny Callegh Whitford Kenne Musbury Farwayt Whitwell Whympell Cayllyford Norton Dawnety Cornwoode and Dowlton aforeseid in the sied comite of Deuonshere. Also the maner of Peryton and Cabbelond and Threttie Meses thre hundred acres of lond oon hundred acres of medowe three hundred acres of pasture thre score acres of wode foure score acres of furze and hethe oon wyndmyll and fortie shelyns of rent in Peryton and Cabbelond aforesied withyn the comite of Somerset. By several writes of entre in the post as in the recordes of the same plase more atlarge apperithe to the only use of us the seid cvomites and of our hieres in fee for euermore for the performans of the last will of us the seid comites by virtue of which recoueres the seid Bischoppe of Wynchester and the seid other corecouerers with them before named enteryd into the seid maners londs and tenenements and other the premises and theirof were seased in their demene as of fee and so seased the same byschoppe of Exceter John Speke Lewys Pollard knyghts and William Merwood died theirof seased and the seid Richard byschoppe of Wynchester and John Cayleway them oversevid and held them in the premises and theiof be non seased in their de,mens as of fee by survyvours to the use of us the seid comites and of our heires and so being seased We remembryng and considering our selfe mortall as all other persons be and must departe and chaunge this transitory lyfe but what tyme certen to us and all others ys unknowen and theirfore hit ys necessary for every wyse man and woman to ordeyn for there standing which they do haue in this presant and transitory lyfe and that in soche tyme and season as they be in helthe of bodye and perfite mynde we now be in bodily helthe and perfittte mynde laudyd be all mightie God make and declare oure last will of and apon the foresaid manour and other the premise in maner and forme hereafter followyng that ys to sey that the seid byschoppe of Wynchester and John Colyton now leuyng and euery of them their heires and assignes schall peseable suffer Henry lord marques of Exceter and erle of Deuonshereour derest and welbelouyd sonne whom we ordeyn and make oure soule and only executor to resceve perceive leuy and take after oure decesse all the issue revenues and profytts commynd and growing of all the seid maners londs and tenements and other the premises and to dispose the same issues reuenues and profyttes in forme following that ys to set with parcell of the issues reuenues and profytts coming and growing of the premises to brynge our body in convenient tyme after hit ys dedde honourably in the yerthe as his schall beseme and becom oure estate and degre to be and oure body tobe buried in the new chapel lately edefyed and byldyd in the southsyde of the churche of Seynt Peter of Tyuerton in the comitie of Devonschere aforesaid with all soche solemynes and necessary requisits as it appertenythe to the same oure estate to have and fyrder we wyll that all our councellers housold servaunts and officers belonging to us and oure seid sonne to have ayens the same day of oure bereall every of them a blacke gowne or cote eveyche after their degreys be bought of the yssues revenues and profytts of the premisses yf hyt may conveniently and reasonably be had ayens that tyme and ys not then at the monethes mynd. And also that all and euery of oure housold servants beynd at the tyme of oure decesse in oure wages and wilbe rulyd and advertysed by oure seid sonne schall have from the day of oure decesse oon houle yere wagys excepte soche of oure seid household seruaunts in wages as shall please oure seid sonne to retain and accepte to hys service from that tyme of oure decesse for the yere then immedyatly next following the same also we wyll a stondyng household for oure seid housold servants beyn of good conuersacion and in wages and wilbe advertised by oure seid sonne tobe had and kepe in lyke ordinate maner as ye now kepte conserving mete drynke and loggyng according as schall become soche a comites serts to have by the spase of oon moneth immedyatly next after oure decesse with the issue and profetts of the premises and with the issues and profytts of the resydew of all the maners londs and tenements of the seid erldome of denschere yf the money inoure cofers then at the same tyme of oure decesse remaynyng wyll not extended to the performans of thepremise furdermore we wyll that oure seid sonne and hys executers schall yerely take of the issues reuenues and profyts of the premise as moche as schall amounte to the clere yerely valor of oon and twenty pounds sterling for the stipend wages and fyndyng of thre honest prests tyll soche tyme as som mese londs and tenements amounting to the clere yerely valour of oon and twenty pounds clerely aboue all charges and reprises with soche other londs and tenements as be provided and optayned allredy for the same tente and use be by our seid sonne hys heires or executors purchasyd optayned and had and the same londs and tenenments by hym or them so to be purchasyd or optaynyd excepte londs and tenenments to the clere yerely view of twenty shcelyngs profett theirof schalbe to the seid use and entent for the contynuall fynyng of the seid thre prysts foreuermore of the whyche thre prysts too of them iter ordeynyd and apooyntyd by the last will of the lord edwarde courtney late erle of deuonschere to synge or say masse in the perysche churche of seynt peter in Tyuerton aforesaid or in the chapel of oure blessyd lady stondyng in the churche yearde without the churche aforesaid and the opther pryste that ys to sey a thred pryst we the seid comites haue by thys oure present last wyll appoyntyd and ordeyned to soche use and entent as herafter in the present wyll schalbe expressyd and the seid londs and tenements to the clere yerely valew of tweentyy schelyngs parcel of the seid londs and tenements of the clere yerely valew of oon and twenty pounds to be for the contynuall fyndyng of wax bredd and wyne for the same prysts to ynge wiuth all the which thre prysts and euery of them tobe electe chosen namyd and assigned by oure seid sonne during hys lyfe and by hys heires after hys decesse yf hys seid heires be then of full age and yf hys seid heires be then withyn age then by the executors of oure seid sonne and after the decesse of our seid sonnes executors yf hys heires be then withyn age then by John Byschoppe of Exeter and hys successours for euery tyme and as often the heires of our seid sonne schall happen tobe withyn age and none executours of oure seid sonne onlyse and so from tyme to tyme when eny of the seid thre prysts decessythe or voidethe moreouer we wyll that the seid thre prysts schall dayly synge or say three masses in the seid too chapels in Tyuerton aforesaid yf cause resonabyll laufull and necessary be not had and made of trothe to the contrary for excuse of the same of the which three masses dayly tob seid maner and form aforesaid we wyll that oon of the seid thre prists dayly during theire contynuans and perpetuyte schall at eight of the clocke in the morning in the new chapel aforesaid lately edyfyed and bylyd synge or say mass and the seid pryst that schall dayly synge or say masse in the new chapel aforesaid schall appon the Sonday say masse of the Trenyte euery Munday masse of Seynt Katern euery Tuysday masse of seynt Thomas of Canterbury euery Wenisday masse of the fyue wonds euery Thursday masse of of corporis Christi euery Fryday masse of the name of Jhesu and euery Saterday masse of ther assumpcion of oure leidy excepte in the foresaid days or in on of them fall soche fests of the yere as be callyd festa principalia or maiora duplicat’ in eueryche of the which fests apon what day weuer it fall the seid pryst schall sey masse of the day. Also the seid prysts schall oon day wyvely comme to goether in the seid new chapel and at the tombe where the seid comites body schall rest and theire to sey to gether yf theybe athome and haue none laufull impediment dirige and commendacions dirige with ix lessons excepte the tyme of Ester and in themorning following they or too of them to sey the vii salmes and the latine with the commen suffrage following and that done oon of them to sey for the withaft & masse of requiem in the seid chapel where the body of the seid comites schall remain and abyde. And also that all and euery of the seid thre prysts after the gospel at euery tyme when they say masse at the furst lauatory at the anters ende schall say profunco with the collect of ffidelium for the soules of the late kynge of Inglond and of Fraunce of famous memorie Edwarde the fourthe oure father and Elizabeth hys wife oure moder late Quene of Englond and for the soules of the seid lord Edward Courtney and the aforesaid lord William Courtenay hys sonne oure late husband and for the soule of Margaret late wife of Henry lord Herberd iure daughter and for oure soule and all Crysten soules and for the good preservacion of the good & prosperous estate of oure seid welbeloued sonne henry lord marques of Exceter and erle of Deuonshere longe to endure to godds pleasure moreouer We wyll that oure seid sonne schall during hys lyfe and hys heires tear in MS decesse for euermore fynde three poure honest men dwelling withyn the towne of Tyuerton to knele or cyte aboute oure tombe dayly during the tyme and spase of thre seyng of the seid three masses they to helpe the seid thre prysts masse and also they to pray for the sowles afore rehersyd and for the good and prosperous estate of oure seid sonne and that euery of the seid thre poure men to haue for and towards theire leuyng euery of them eight pens by the weke by leuy takyn by oure seid sonne of the reuenues and profetts of the premiss unto the tyme oure seid sonne hys heires executors or assigns have purchysd londs and tenements for the contynuans of the seid thre poure men for euer for their seid wages and yf hit happen our seid son or hys heires hereafter do purchas londs and tenements wherof then may be leuyd too shelyngs by the weke wekely foreuer and the same londs and tenements so purchysd to be mortised founded or made sure and perfyte by the law for euermore for the seid thre poure men towards their leuyng in maner and forme aforesaid then the seid somme of eight pens by the wyke for euery of the seid poure men no eny parcel theirof tobe henceforth leuyd of the reuenew of the premisses ne of eny parcel theirof but that the premises be clerely from thensorth theirof dischargye and euery parcel theirof the same thre poure men to be named elected chosen and assigned to tear in MS as before ys rehersid of the seid thre prysts and ouer thys we wyll that yf any of oure servaunts or of our sonnes servaunts or of ony of oure heires servaunts herafter happen to fall in dekay by cashalty of warres or otherwise damp damage in MS to come to church and pray that there they to be prefarryd before ony other to the seid leuyyng of eight pens a wyke yf thye wyll to pray for the soules afore rehersyd and yf hyt happen ony of the seid prysts or poure men damp damage in MS be so prefarryd and say and not alite to seru yet they to haue theire houle wages as before yes seid and furdermore we wyll that oure seid sonne juys heires executors or assignes with the sues reuenues damp damage in MS of the premisses schall content and pay all soche detts as by us schalbe dew to ony person or persons at the tyme of oure dethe deuly prouyd before our seid sonne hys executors or assignes wytyn time conuenyent after oure decesse and furder we wyll that he seen this oure present wyll in euyery behalf well and treuly performyd and fulfillyd and in his or their so doing geue hym Godds blessyng and oures. In witness wherof we thre seid comites to this oure present wyll indenting haue put oure seal and sygne manuell. Thes witness George Speke knight Humfrye Colles Esquyer Richard Haydon Thomas Spurway and others. Datyd the second day of May the xix yere of the raign of oure soueraign lord kynge Harey the viiith.